When I got an email from Scharffen Berger chocolate, asking me if I wanted to go on a bakery tour of San Francisco, I didn’t hesitate to shoot them back an email saying “Heck, yeah I do!” Turns out Scharffen Berger had invited a number of food bloggers in the San Francisco Bay Area to go around the city in a trolley, to visit bakeries that had made custom recipe baked goods with Scharffen Berger chocolate. It was to kick off their latest contest Elevate a Classic Dessert with Scharffen Berger Chocolate. A contest with a grand prize of $10,000! Of course, at the end of the bakery tour, we all got a few sample chocolates to take home, and I turned around and made this Marbled Bread, a chocolate chai orange marbled brioche loaf, inspired by the idea of elevating a regular baked good to something fancier. On top of that, Scharffen Berger is letting me give away a chocolate baking starter kit for one of you readers! Details at the end of this post. (This giveaway is over now. But the recipe is still awesome -> jump directly to it if you want!)
The kick off of the bakery tour had us meeting at the historic Ferry Building here in San Francisco. If you’ve never been to the Ferry Building and have any interest in food at all (and I’m assuming you do, as your reading my blog) then you must get there the next time you’re in town. Full of artisan crafted good eats, restaurants, and thrice a week – the Farmers Market, the Ferry Building is a food mecca that isn’t a tourist trap. As a local, I go there fairly often, and when I worked downtown, I would shop at the Farmers Market, as well as go there for lunch when I had time.
Climbing onto the tour trolley, There I met up with bloggers Stephanie of Desserts for Breakfast, Denise of Chez Us, Anita of Married with Dinner, Ben of You Fed a Baby Chili, Catherine of Munchie Musings (all the way from Sacramento), Joanne of Jo Boston is a Foodie, Cathe of Just Something I Made, Sheri of Pork Cracklinn, Paula of Dishing the Divine as well as Elaine from Sunset Magazine and numerous others to start our tour. We were off to the deep mission to visit Anthony’s Cookies, where we tasted double chocolate chunk cookies with walnuts, featuring Scharffen Berger’s Semi Sweeet 62% Baking Chunks. Gooey and warm from the oven, 40+ food bloggers jockeyed into position to try to get the perfect photograph – all before any of us were allowed to try the melty morsels of goodness.
Climbing back onto the blogger-bus we headed up to the Fillmore shopping district across town to visit the Citizen Cake, where celebrity Pastry Chef Elizabeth Falkner was there holding court. Citizen Cake has gone through many incarnations, and the most recent version of it is a narrow shotgun style café, with baked goods in front and an old-fashioned ice cream parlor with a new fangled twist. Chef Falkner showed the crowds how she makes instant ice cream with liquid nitrogen. This isn’t a new trick by far, as local ice cream maker Smitten Ice Cream does this in Hayes Valley and anyone that has watched Top Chef: Just Desserts has seen the contestants reaching for the liquid nitrogen whenever they need to make instant ice cream. In fact Chef Falkner explained that it was an old trick, as it was used in Victorian-era times, but it is only coming back into vogue now.
Citizen Cake provided us sundae made from chocolate gelato topped with chocolate sauce, housemade marshmallow fluff and chocolate cake crumbles with chocolate nibs. The liquid nitrogen froze the gelato so fast that it didn’t have time to create large ice crystals, resulting a velvet smooth frozen treat. Everyone else seemed to agree as there didn’t seem to be any sundaes left once we left.
Hopping back on the chocolate-mobile we worked our way through the traffic to Ghiradelli’s square to visit Kara’s cupcakes. Kara wasn’t able to be meet us, but we were greeted by a custom Candybar Cupcake designed by Kara herself. Chocolate cupcake filled with caramel and frosted with a swirl of milk chocolate peanut butter ganache (and a touch of sea salt) had me swooning with chocolate overload. Had I reached my chocolate threshold? I hope not because we had one more bakery to go.
We head back to the Ferry Building, about an hour behind schedule and quickly headed to Miette Patisserie where we all picked up slices of four layer chocolate cream cake made custom for us. This was totally my favorite thing on the tour, but sadly I didn’t have a chance to take a photo of it before AJ (and I) ate it up. Apologizes for being such a bad blogger, but really it was amazing. You’ll just have to take my word for it.
The evening didn’t end though! We all rushed over to watch Pastry Chef Yigit Pura, winner of the first season of Top Chef: Just Desserts give us a baking demonstration on how to not piss off your cake when making it. I’ve met Yigit before, and he’s as adorable as sweet as the treats he makes. I gave him a bit of a hard time when he claimed that you couldn’t make invert sugar at home (something Pastry Chef Johnny Iuzzini, Wikipedia and I disagree with). Invert Sugar is a mixture of glucose and fructose and can be made taking simple table sugar and cooking it with water and a little bit of acid (cream of tartar or lemon juice). It’s sweeter than regular sugar – cooking it with the acid and the heat breaks down the sucrose molecule into the two smaller glucose and fructose molecules. This means there’s more molecules to attach to your taste buds, creating a sweeter sensation. Since Pura disagrees with Iuzzini, he recommends using nature’s version of invert sugar, which is readily available: honey. Another commercially available version of invert sugar is golden syrup, which is a byproduct of refining sugar cane juice. It has a wonderful caramel flavor, and it a great substitute for corn syrup. That said, it tends to be expensive as it’s not readily available here in the US (unless you live in New Orleans, where apparently it’s used a lot in cajun food).

Of course, as I was arguing with Yigit, he had me come up and help him dip his chai chocolate cupcakes into ganache. Of course, the first cupcake I pick up I completely dropped into the ganache! Total cupcake fail. Ha! That should teach me to argue with a Top Chef! But Yigit was a true gentleman and had me dip another cupcake and that one went just fine. Whew! Epic baking fail in front of 40 bloggers AND Yigit Pura. Won’t live that one down anytime soon.
Finally, Scharffen Berger sent us all off with a kitchen apron, a rather large whisk and some chocolate for us to enjoy. They are also offering some chocolate to one of your guys! One of you will get a Scharffen Berger Baking Chocolate Starter Kit, for you to start playing around with, in the hopes that you’ll enter (and maybe win) the Elevate a Classic Dessert contest.
The kit includes the following items:
Unsweetened Natural Cocoa Powder 6 oz
99% Unsweetened Baking Bar 9.7 oz
70% Bittersweet Baking Bar 9.7 oz
62% Semisweet Baking Bar 9.7 oz
12-count Chocolate Tasting Squares
To enter, all you need to do is leave me comment below with a legitimate email address (I gotta be able to get in touch with you if you win!) and tell me what your favorite chocolate dessert is
As an added bonus, you can also tweet about this contest and get another entry. Just tweet “Kickstart your @Scharffenberger’s Elevate a Classic contest by winning a chocolate kit from @eatthelove: http://bit.ly/chocoKit“ and then come back here and leave another comment telling me you tweeted it. If you don’t let me know you tweeted it, I won’t know, so be sure to come back here and leave a comment.
The fine print – PLEASE READ.
By leaving a comment below to enter, you are agreeing to the Official Rules.
You must be over the age of 18.
This contest is only open to U.S. Citizens. Sorry non-US people!
The contest starts as of today, and will run until Thursday, November 3rd, 9am PST.
The approximate value of the chocolate is $50.
The winner will be chosen by a randomly selected comment. All comments will be numbered and I will use Random.org to pick a random number.
The number of eligible comments below determines the odds of winning.
If there’s a problem with contacting the winner, I reserve the right to award the chocolate to someone else randomly chosen. So in other words, make sure you type in your correct email address if you want the chocolate and respond within a week to me when I contact you or I’ll give the chocolate to someone else.
The chocolate will come directly from Scharffen Berger, so if you win, let me know when it arrives or if it doesn’t, and I’ll be sure to hassle the appropriate people.
This giveaway is now closed. Thank you!
And now that I got that out of the way, here’s that Chai Chocolate Orange Marble Brioche Bread recipe that I talked about in the beginning of my post. I know you want some. It’s fantastic.
I would like to thank Scharffen Berger for inviting me along to tour of the bakeries and sample each bakeries custom desserts, as well as providing the Chocolate Kit as a giveaway for my blog. I did receive a few chocolate samples from Scharffen Berger, which I used to develop this recipe but I was not compensated otherwise. Feel free to follow Scharffen Berger on twitter or like them on Facebook to learn more about their products and the Elevate a Classic contest.
This post has also been submitted to YeastSpotting.
Marble Bread, a Chocolate Chai Orange Marble Brioche Loaf
By Irvin Lin
I used Scharffen Berger Extra Dark 82% chocolate because I didn’t want my brioche bread too sweet, but feel free to use the 70% bittersweet or the 62% semisweet or another quality chocolate. Just be forewarned that the marbling process is a bit unusual and may take a little more time than you think, but it’s is fun to do. When finished, you have a beautiful loaf that perfect with some blood orange strawberry marmalade, raspberry jam or milk jam if your lucky enough to have any of that on hand.
I was inspired by Pastry Chef’s Yigit Pura’s chai chocolate cupcake to make this brioche loaf, though I’ll actually say that I’ve been playing with the idea of a chai chocolate cookie in my head for awhile, before I had a taste of Pura’s cupcake, I just haven’t gotten around to making it yet. Then I came across this loaf in Nick Malgieri’s The Modern Baker and I knew I wanted to make a version of it with my own twist.
Bread dough
1/2 cup whole milk
2 1/2 teaspoon (1 package) rapid rise dry yeast
2 3/4 cups (440 g) bread flour
7 tablespoons (100 g) unsalted cold butter
1/4 cup (50 g) white granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 large egg
2 large egg yolks
2 teaspoon orange zest (from 1 medium orange)
1 tablespoon light rum
Chai Chocolate mix in
1 1/2 oz (40 g) bittersweet chocolate, chopped into 1/2 inch pieces
1 generous teaspoon of earl grey, orange pekoe or other black tea (1 average sized bag)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1 tablespoon water
3 tablespoons (30 g) bread flour
Special Equipment
A food processor
1. Heat the milk in a small saucepan until lukewarm (about 110˚F). Add the yeast and whisk to dissolve. Add 1 cup (160 g) of bread flour and stir in with a large spatula. You should have a sticky ball of dough. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside to rise for about 20 minutes. Prepare a 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pan by greasing it generously with butter and lining the bottom of the pan with either parchment paper or wax paper. Once the 20 minutes are up, cut the butter into 1/2 inch chunks and place it in the food processor bowl with the sugar, salt, egg, egg yolk, orange zest and rum. Pulse until the butter has been processed into the liquid. You may not be able to get the butter completely incorporated (in fact, my mixture looked a bit broken and curdled, that’s ok, it’ll come together when you add the remaining flour).
2. Add the sticky dough to the wet ingredients in the food processor and pulse until the liquid is incorporated into the dough (about 10 times). Then add the remaining 1 3/4 cups (280 g) bread flour to the bowl and processor until a smooth dough forms and the flour is completely incorporated. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 10 minutes. Once rested, dump the dough onto a floured surface, and knead and fold the dough 5 or 6 times to make it a little more elastic, adding a pinch or two of extra flour if you need to. Cut the dough in thirds and place one of the lumps of dough in the food processor, while covering the other two with plastic wrap.
3. Place the chocolate in a microwave safe medium sized bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds and stir. Microwave for another 30 seconds and stir until completely melted. If the chocolate still isn’t completely melted, microwave for another 15 seconds, but it’s better to stir the chocolate and let the residual heat from the bowl melt the solid chocolate than to overheat and scorch the chocolate. Grind the tea to a fine powder by placing it in a spice grinder, or mortar and pestle. If you don’t have either available, place the tea in a ziplock bag, and crush the tea leaves with a heavy rolling pin. Add the ground tea, baking soda, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and water to the chocolate and stir to incorporate. Scrape the chocolate mixture into the food processor with the 1/3 dough lump. Pulse the food processor 5 or 6 times, until the chocolate is incorporated into the dough. Then add the additional flour and turn the processor on until a smooth uniform colored dough forms (about 10 to 15 seconds).
4. Pull the dough out of the processor and knead and fold on a floured surface 5 or 6 times, until it becomes slightly more elastic (you may need to add a few pinches of flour). Press the chocolate dough into a 7” square. Uncover the other two “white” doughs and press those into 7” squares as well. Now sandwich the chocolate dough between the two white doughs. Cut the dough into thirds. Then, taking 1/3 of the dough, cut the dough into 1/2 inch strips. Place in a bowl and repeat with the other two strips of sandwiched dough.
5. Once all the dough is cut up and in the bowl, sprinkle 1 1/2 teaspoons of water over it, and then gently toss the dough strips together, like a salad. Once the dough is moist and slightly sticky, gather the dough up and press and squeeze the dough into a solid ball. Then flat the ball into a thick 4 x 8 inch rectangle. Place in the prepared loaf pan and gently press down to fill the pan completely. Cover with buttered plastic wrap.
6. Let the dough rise for about 2 hours, or until the loaf has risen about an inch above the loaf pan. About 15 minutes before the loaf is completely risen preheat the oven to 350˚F.
7. Bake the loaf in the preheated oven until the top of the loaf is deep golden brown, about 35 to 40 minutes. Let the loaf cool in the pan for about 5 minutes, and then unmold while still warm, and put on a cooling rack sideways (so the loaf doesn’t cool and compress into a hard brick). Serve same day, or freeze for later use.
Makes 1 loaf.
Lauren at Keep It Sweet says
What an awesome day and great giveaway! My favorite chocolate dessert is really just the classic chocolate chip cookie…… or chocolate cake with chocolate frosting:-)
The Suzzzz says
My favorite chocolate dessert is a Maris cookie from Ruby Snap bakery in SLC. Actually I’m pretty happy with any chocolate so it is hard to choose and absolute favorite, it changes weekly.
The Suzzzz says
Hmmmm I’m not sure if my email went through it is: nachista @ yahoo . com
C Tanner says
Florentines! I love the chunchy, chewy, melty, goodness they are. Almonds,orange, caramel, and of course fabulous chocolate. If I can get them with dark chocolate and a cup of coffee I’m in heaven.
Sam @ The Second Lunch says
How much fun was that?? My current favorite chocolate dessert (current, because I can never find the ultimate, I just have to keep on searching…) is my chocolate coffee puddings I made last week: http://www.thesecondlunch.com/2011/10/coffee-pudding-two-ways/
which happen to be made with Scharffen Berger. I could use some more!
Irvin says
Samantha, I miss you! Come back and visit soon…
Christina says
Favorite is probably plain dark chocolate ice cream, but I’ll definitely have to try this recipe.
Belinda @zomppa says
That’s not even a question worth asking – to go on a chocolate tour? This brioche is gorgeous!
amy says
Hmmm, just a really good dark chocolate pudding!
Shila says
My favorite is probably a classic flourless chocolate cake, as it has that perfect gooeyness.
That brioche looks delish–I adore chai spices with chocolate! And I love any vehicle for a good jam.
merri says
wow this has got to be one of, if not the best of these cool blogger things you get to go to. yum i love chocolate!! i love a lot of chocolate desserts… chocolate pudding cake recipe i have, the chocolate molten at chili’s (lol ya i know ghetto but its so good)… but maybe my favorite is possibly midnight cocoa cake, which is a family recipe handed down, and we use this chocolate cake for special occasions (http://www.tantalizingtidbits.com/2010/05/21/recipe-midnight-cocoa-cake/).
merri says
ps i just tweeted.
Susan says
I would have to say a perfect flourless chocolate cake, although I wouldn’t turn away any other chocolate desserts! So jealous of the chocolate tour you got to take – sounds amazing.
Erica says
Just went to Cindy’s Backstreet Kitchen in St. Helena and tried the smores pie, which sounds like something you’d order off a TGIFriday’s menu, but was actually super complex, and of course, delicious! The homemade marshmallow meringue was amazing!
Lacey says
Oh god. This is hard. I guess my favorite chocolate dessert for today is chocolate bread pudding with bourbon sauce. Yep.
Jackie W says
What a great experience you had! If I have to choose a favorite chocolate treat I would have to say a brownie!
Jackie W says
I tweeted about this great giveaway! https://twitter.com/#!/kroshey/status/129664724626456576
Chrissy says
I love chocolate brownies with chocolate chips. They HAVE to have chocolate chips. I also like any other add-ins such as peanut butter, peppermint patty or white chocolate to name a few… as long as its a brownie!
Sue McClure says
A hot cup of coffee and a homemade chocolate chip cookie made with Strauss Dairy butter and very fresh pecans (that is actually my favorite breakfast!)
Lisa Barnett says
Choose just one choolate dessert? So hard to do, I will tell you my first chocloate love when I realized that chocolate could be much more then a Hershey’s Bar
Years and years ago my Day made a Julia Child recipe called Bombe au trois chocolate – or Triple chocolate bomb, choclate was never the same after that.
Jessica says
Chocolate mousse!
Mags says
oh my goodness that trolley trip looks like heaven! Bakery hopping for chocolate delights in San Francisco definitely sounds like my kind of afternoon.
As for what my favorite chocolate dessert is, I’m not sure I could pick just ONE, but at the moment my favorite is chocolate raspberry ice cream. I could eat it by the gallon.
Nelly Rodriguez says
Brownies or Chocolate Bread Pudding. Simple, comforting.
Nelly Rodriguez says
I tweeted!
Lisa Huff @ Snappy Gourmet says
Awesome post! My fave choc dessert at the moment are those addictive little Scharffen Berger pies they had at BlogHer Food in Atlanta earlier this year!! Good grief, I think I ate like 5! Just made a recipe with their nibs today and I’m hooked!
Irvin says
Those Schaffen Berger pies were probably the best thing they served at the BlogHer Food conference!
Christina Childress says
I love everything chocolate!! My fav so far in my baking is my espresso cream cheese chocolate brownies!!
kristenm says
Chocolate mocha brownies
anneliesz says
Cupcake fail or fun moment caught on film- Methinks the latter is true. Not entering the giveaway, just wanted to comment on that moment. That is all. 🙂
Natalie says
I love your website. My favorite chocolate dessert would have to be World Peace Cookies… followed closely by the World Peace Cookie Dough. I love the decadent dark chocolate. I might be swayed by this recipe though!
p.s. Any new recipes for Peanut Butter & Co.? I keep checking!
Irvin says
I just submitted some new recipes to Peanut Butter & Co. so hopefully those will get posted soon! Not sure what their posting schedule though, so keep checking!
Linda @spiceboxtravels says
What a tour! Your brioche looks lovely. My favorite chocolate dessert of the moment is David Lebovitz’s pain d’épices au chocolate– which is basically a chocolate chai cake (without the tea, which I think would be a fantastic addition).
Stacey says
My favorite chocolate dessert has to be a delicious moist chocolate cake!!
Stacey says
I tweeted it as well. XD
MelodyJ says
I love Fudgy Brownies.
rachel says
What a fun tour! It’s hard to pick just one favorite chocolate dessert. Mocha hot fudge sauce on home made ice cream, chocolate pudding, and my tea-flavored truffles…
Jonathan says
Thank you for sharing your marbling technique. I have been so inspired as of late with the cooling weather and I can’t wait to get back into the kitchen after it’s done being remodeled. Will definitely be adding this twist to a future baking day.
Ally says
What a great post. My favorite chocolate dessert are the chewy dark chocolate brownies with caramel. Mmmmmm!
Camylle C. says
Red velvet bread pudding, really moist chocolate cake, chewy brownies, or warm chocolate chip cookies.
[email protected] (for good measure) 🙂
Nikki says
My email is [email protected] and my favorite chocolate dessert is a chocolate covered salted pretzel cupcake. – chocolate cupcake w pretzel crust topped w whipped milk chocolate ganache, salted caramel and crushed pretzels
Jazmin says
Darn it all, I live in the Great White North and can’t enter this contest. But I’d still like to throw it out there, that raspberry chocolate ice cream is one of my top 5 chocolate treats 🙂
Janet Rudolph says
Fabulous post. Love the recipe & photos. Always good to see how to do it 🙂 Can’t wait to try this recipe. The tour sounds awesome, and I can perhaps retrace your steps.. but without the ‘special’ talks and tastes and demos, alas.
My favorite chocolate dessert: Molten Lava Cakes
regina lafleur says
chocolate cheesecake its the best
kay says
My favorite chocolate dessert? It’s a tossup between an Epicurious Bittersweet Chocolate Cake and good old homemade brownies – chewy, please!
Emily says
My favorite would definitly have to be brownies!
Joe B. says
Found you on YeastSpotting, and I have to say that this bread makes me want to try my own thing. It’s quite intrieging.
As for the type of chocolate dessert I love the most, I am very fond of truffles.
(I think that you can get the e-mail from the name header, but just in case: joey5542001[at]gmail[dot]com)
Wendy says
The chocolate brownies from Rosie’s Bakery All-Butter, Fresh Cream, Sugar-Packed…Baking Book. And the chocolate mousse from the original Silver Palate cookbook, made with Grand Marnier. Found you via YeastSpotting!
Mb says
looks great!!
Mary-Kate says
I looove a good chocolate mousse, especially layered between moist chocolate cake with some raspberry tucked in there, possible smothered in ganache
vanillasugarblog says
oh i just love this post. great photos, great story. and a giveaway–you’re fun. don’t you just want to take yigit home? i love him.
best chocolate dish? that death by chocolate cake is right up there.
Irvin says
Yigit’s a doll. I bump into him at events all over San Francisco but it’s always fun to talk pastry with him!
Sharon says
My favorite chocolate dessert is the chocolate souflee from Capsuoto Freres restaurant in NYC
Samantha Wheeler says
Sounds like you had an amazing time!! I’m jealous! One of my favorite chocolate dessert is guiness chocolate cupcakes with bailey’s irish cream frosting…delicious..
[email protected]
Phuoc'n Delicious says
Totally cool baking tour. I love brioche and the twist you’ve put on it. Inspiring!
Ingela says
The brioche looks yummy. Must try!
Katie says
My favorite has to be brownies, but the ooey gooey kind (especially Dorie Greenspan’s “Tribute to Katharine Hepburn Brownies”).
As always, Irvin, your pictures are gorgeous!
Katie says
And also tweeted. :o)
Lauren says
My Favorite chocolate dessert has to be the chocolate salted caramel ice cream from a place called KindKreme here is LA. It’s cashew based and raw, but completely rich, creamy and delicious. I honestly don’t know how they do it.
Katie says
I’ve recently changed my diet to be completely gluten-free, so it’s been an adjustment to find a chocolat-ey dessert that actually satisfied me. But since gluten-free baking is quite new to me and i’ve had a hard time with it, I’ve fallen in love with naturally gluten-free chocolate desserts, like chocolate mousse. I especially like it layered with raspberry mousse (: yum!
jacquie says
while not very fancy, my favorite chocolate dessert would be a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie. oh so comforting and soothing at times.
jacquieastemborski AT comcast DOT net
Donna @ Cookistry says
Donna @ Cookistry says
Tweeted!!! http://twitter.com/dbcurrie/status/131433977948024832
Miss @ Miss in the Kitchen says
Chocolate pie.
Miss @ Miss in the Kitchen says
I tweeted.
elizabeyta says
The bread looks really interesting. I may have to try something similar in gluten and gluten free versions! Favorite chocolate? Two currently: 1) homemade vanilla ice cream with homemade chocolate sauce on top and 2) gluten free vegan chocolate chip peanut butter cookies (omg! good)
Above choices may change due to experimentation 😉
Connie Lee says
I love anything chocolate, it would be hard to pick a favorite. If I had to, I think just plain old fashioned chocolate cake.
[email protected]
Connie Lee says
I tweeted about the contest. ConnieBolickLee
Rachel Wright says
What a lovely giveaway. That would really help me craft a desert for my daughter who can not have any artificial colors or flavors. (but delicious REAL chocolate is perfectly fine). My Favorite chocolate desert would be either chambord truffles or those little fresh raspberry cups – the cup being a thin cup of dark chocolate with chocolate shavings. – Not complicated but delicious!
Sam H says
My favorite chocolate dessert is chocolate mousse.. decadent and delightful!
Ryan says
Nigella Lawson’s Chocolate Guiness Cake. Not too sweet, and probably the moistest cake I’ve ever encountered. I also have a Caramello problem, but the cake is better and I can quit anytime.
Vickie says
I love chocolate cream pie!!!!
Sam Pou says
mmmmMMMM that bread looks absolutely beautiful!! my favorite chocolate dessert would definitely have to be an amazing brownie. The kind that you look at and you almost don’t want to eat it – it’s the perfect thickness, the perfect brownie cake bottom, the perfect flaky top of sugary goodness. The kind that makes you want to eat a whole pan and say “oops” but really you mean “god that was good”
And I’d tweet this but…I dont have twitter!
Vickie says
I tweeted about you!!!!
Prerna@IndianSimmer says
Aww I missed the tour but hoping not to miss this win 🙂
My all time favorite chocolate dessert has to be a chocolate sformato. Rich and CHOCOLATY!!
My email address is indiansimmer[at]gmail[dot]com
Valerie says
That chai chocolate orange marble loaf is a work of art…made even more beautiful by the fact that it’s edible!
My chocolate of choice is anything dark and flour-less, such as a rich velvety torte.
Shawna says
Without a doubt….dark chocolate amaretto cupcakes with bittersweet chocolate ganache frosting!
Jacqui says
Chocolate molten lava cakes!!
Jen W. says
Chocolate Molten Lava Cakes! Love them every time!!!
Jen W. says
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/genobeba24/status/131913840538562560
Kim C. says
Dark Choc.Truffles
Olivia says
My fav dessert is the Chocolate Pot de Creme from Absinthe.
Joseph S. says
I really enjoy the old-fashioned cupcake at Miette.
Khanh says
Oh my chocolate overload… which is always a great thing! 😉 My favorite would be rocky road ice cream. You can’t beat cold creamy chocolate and almonds!
Nicole says
I’d have to say Jeni’s Queen City Cayenne ice cream. Velvety chocolate with a fiery kick.
That bread would be delicious as French toast!
Irvin says
I went on a food tour of Columbus (post coming soon about that) and had the privilege of not only sampling a bunch of fantastic ice creams, including the Queen City Cayenne – which is awesome – but also meeting Jeni herself! She’s as sweet as the creamy treats she serves up.
Molly says
The tour looks amazing! I just moved to SF and am excited to explore the places you mentioned. My favorite chocolate dessert ranges from a decadent chocolate bread pudding, a brownie sundae, or a simple, warm chocolate chip cookie.
Margaret says
Chocolate truffles… OF COURSE! This tour looks like it was so much fun. I am drooling up a pool of saliva at your pictures. 😉
kate metzner says
Molten Lava Cake, with the middle still gooey! My mom makes a pretty incredible version. I am working on making my own “cleaned up “version! Chocolate Mouse isnt bad either!
Jennifer says
A good fudgy walnut brownie with a load of chocolate frosting on top…that’s just the first to come to mind! : )
Mary says
Favorite? Hard to choose but a classic Tiramisu or a really good brownie. How can you go wrong with chocolate anything? The brioche looks incredible!
Kathy says
My favorite is German Chocolate cake.
Natalie J Vandenberghe says
The bread looks fabulous! Wish I would’ve found you sooner 🙁
Kristiina says
My favorite chocolate dessert is called “mocha pixie pie”. My grandmother used to make it for my mother’s birthday every year and now I do 🙂
Irvin says
Congrats to Sam H. who’s favorite chocolate dessert is Chocolate Mousse! Scharffen Berger should have contacted you about shipping the chocolate directly to you. Thanks everyone for entering!
Drink Me Chai says
Thank you for the delicious recipe for Chai Chocolate Orange Marbled Brioch! Yum!
To simplify the recipe, you could use our Spiced Drink Me Chai powder instead of the individual spices.
Our powder is for a drink, which can be made with water or milk, and served hot or iced, but it’s also great for baking too!
We have twittered and FaceBooked this recipe and thank you again for blogging about the chai flavour!
Kathie says
Hard to pick my favorite chocolate dessert!!! One of my fav’s is KA Flour Original Cake Pan Cake. It’s easy, delicious, quick and I can make it even if I have no eggs or milk in the house!
Kathie says
I tweeted about your giveaway. https://twitter.com/#!/mommyfinn/status/200954830196449281
Best Diet says
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Anusha says
This recipe looks very delicious.