What’s this website all about?
I suggest you click over to the ABOUT THIS BLOG page to find out.
Do you accept samples or products? Will you blog about them?
Thanks for the offer. I rarely blog specifically about products, but you are welcome to send me samples and I might use them but I can’t provide any guarantees that I’ll write about them. I’m absolutely happy to try your product though!
I do on occasion specifically mention the products that I use when developing a recipe or writing a post if it is pertinent to the story or if I really love it. If I do end up writing about it, I will disclose to my readers that I receive it from the company as a gift.
If you do send me some samples and I don’t write about the product, feel free to contact me for feedback though! I’d happily tell you my honest thoughts on working with it, good, bad, mediocre. Often times the reason I don’t write about a product isn’t because I disliked it, but rather it just didn’t fit in with my blog, which tends to skew toward anecdotal stories about my life and how it intersects with food.
However, if you would like me to develop recipes for your product, please feel free to contact me. I’d love to talk about building a relationship with you and your company that is mutually beneficial. You can find more info about this on my WORK WITH ME page
How about cookbooks? Do you review cookbooks?
Again I am happy to receive cookbooks to review, but I make no guarantees that I will review them. My primary focus right now is baking and recipe developing, so sending me a cookbook that focuses on baking heightens the chance that I will review however. If I do receive a cookbook and review it, I will disclose to my readers that I received it as a gift from the publisher.
Do you accept guest blog posts?
Nope. I’m a one-person shop right now. So I don’t accept guest blog posts from anyone. All emails asking about guest blog posts will be automatically deleted. Thanks for understanding!
How come you don’t have advertising on your blog? Can I advertise on it?
I’m not opposed to advertising, but I haven’t done the appropriate research to find a compatible advertising network that I’m comfortable with. So, in the meanwhile, I do not have any ads placed, nor am accepting any ads. Thanks for asking though.
How about reciprocal links? Will you link to me if I link to you?
Sorry I don’t do reciprocal links. All the links you find on my blogroll are links to sites that I actually read or like. However feel free to contact me and let me know about your blog. I’m always thrilled to discover new blogs to read.
Do you take your own photos? What sort of camera set up do you have?
I take the majority of photos on this blog, while my partner AJ occasionally steps in (especially during the travel and event photography). Currently we use a Canon 5D MkII camera with either a 50mm 1.4 lens or an L series 24-105mm 4.0 lens. We use Speedlight 580EX and Speedlight 580ExII flashes when appropriate, but we both prefer natural light if possible. You can view more of AJ’s work at his photo portfolio website.
Are you a graphic designer?
Why yes, I am. On top of food writing and recipe developing, my bread and butter job and how I pay the rent is through design. Right now I freelance, both with various design shops around San Francisco and with my own clients. I’ve worked on projects ranging from award winning national non-profit ad campaigns to collateral and interior design for national restaurant chains. Feel free to bounce over to my portfolio site to view the work that I’ve done in the past.
However, do keep in mind that I specialize in print, identity, and environmental design. I rarely do web design.
What’s up with the name “Jackhonky”? You aren’t named Jack are you?
Ha! The name “Jackhonky” came about from college when my friend Sue and I would badger about the term. “Do you wanna go see a movie tonight?” Sue would ask me. I’d respond back “Oh, I dunno. What’s playing?” “Meh. Jackhonky.”
The term “jackhonky” literally means nothing, as in “you don’t know jack” and to me I found it an awfully funny term. I adopted it ages ago, and it sort of stuck through the ages. I’m slowly phasing it out, but until then, you’ll see references to me as “Jackhonky” sprinkled throughout the web.
Hey I posted a comment but it didn’t show up immediately or got deleted. What happened?
Currently I am not moderating my comments, but that doesn’t mean I won’t in the future. I do, however, aggressive delete all spam comments. If your comment didn’t appear immediately, it might have been caught by my spam filter.
I rarely, if ever, delete comments because I don’t agree with them, as I like to encourage a healthy discussion about my posts. However if the comment isn’t constructive, outright rude or not relevant to the topic at hand, it will get deleted. Thank you for understanding.
tiny fine print (this policy is valid from 25 June 2011):
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Irvin Lin (eatthelove at gmail dot com).
This blog occasionally accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship or other forms of compensation.The compensation received will NEVER influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.
The owner of this blog occasionally is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner of this blog receives compensation for posts or advertisements, he always give his honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog may contain content which might present a conflict of interest. Regardless this content will always be identified. This blog currently has a partnership with Amazon.com in their affiliate program, which gives me a small percentage of sales if you buy a product from a link in my post. I only recommend products (usually cookbooks) that I use and love, not for any compensation unless otherwise noted.
sarah says
Oh, the cruel irony! I was *just* diagnosed with Celiac and one week later found your site. However, your writing and photos make the self-torture with it. I’ll keep coming back and keep my fingers crossed to read gluten-free recipes!
Irvin says
There’s no irony in that! I bake TONS of gluten free stuff! Just check my recipe index for gluten free recipes! In fact, my most recent three posts were all gluten free.
Blood Orange Panna Cotta with orange all spice caramel and orange cardamom hazelnut florentines (yes, even the florentines are gluten free), Quinoa Cornmeal Lemon Honey Pancakes with Rosemary infused Maple Syrup (part of the gluten free rally ratio) and How to make your own chocolate magic shell (just make sure to use a gluten free ice cream cone) are all gluten free. And trust me, you won’t miss the gluten in any of them!
kamela seen says
hi,i am kamela from the philippines, i love to cook,and i love anything about food,thats why your website iso n my top list when it come to food blog.i subscribe to saveur magazine, thats how i came to know your site..
i will be in sanfrancisco on sept 15 to 22 this year.i would like to talk to you since you mention that you develop recipes,i would like to explore possibilities
.oh im an entrepreneur we have 5 bakeries,1 restaurant and 50 food kiosk(original food concept that we open for franchisingin the phils) thank you for your time reading this .more power…mrs.seen
Heather says
How can I subscribe to your blog by email? The “subscribe” button isn’t working.
Thank you!
Irvin says
Hi Heather! The subscribe button on the top right is for my RSS feed.
However, I’ve been meaning to put a subscribe by email option on this blog. I now have a form for that, right under my picture and mini-bio. Thanks for reminding me!
Heather says
Perfect! Thank you so much!
Ty says
Hi Irvin after reading about your passision for food and tastey designes, I think you’ve taken Tim Tebow spot as my new man crush. I am currently seeking to develop and open a resturant with fries as the featured item. My problem is that i dont have the creative ideas you have and am humbly asking for your help. I was wondering is there a price and method of seeking you expertise on this matter. Any information and help you can provide will be helpful. Thank you advance.
Matt says
Love you site. We just happened across it while jumping from wine blog to wine blog. I really enjoy your narrative on food. As a designer I would love to see your thoughts on our designs at http://www.angle33.com
We love design, wine and food as well so keep up the fabulous work!
Chris says
Hello. I came across your website and was very much interested in knowing if offer logo design and branding services for food bloggers. Feel free to reply to my email. Thanks! Chris
Karen Rutherford says
my name’s Karen- I run a couple of small but growing food blogs.
I was browsing through your website, and was wondering if you accept guest posts?
I’d love to work with you and provide you with a well-written article on a topic that is relevant to your audience and something they will enjoy reading.
Food, recipes and writing about it is my passion. I’d be happy to suggest a few topics which could be a hit with your audience.
Any content will be completely open for you to edit.
Please let me know if you’d be interested.
Warm Regards
Karen Rutherford
Founder of Cakedecorist.com
myra kapoor says
We make something new in cooking and different things which are tastier.
1v1 Battle says
I enjoy cooking and anything related to food, so your website is at the top of my list for food blogs.
Anagha says
I enjoy cooking and anything related to food, so your website is at the top of my list for food blogs. 1v1 Battle
Teresa says
I came across your blog and Love it! I would Love to get samples and write about it on your blog.
I tried to sign up for your newsletters but it keeps coming back 404 error. Is there a way you can
sign me up for your newsletters? My email address is [email protected]
Thank you.