“So can I eat a pear yet?” asked my partner AJ as he eyed the box from Harry & David greedily. I told him to be patient, as the Royal Riviera Pears weren’t quite ripe yet and he looked slightly grumpy but decided to eat the last Honeycrisp apple that we had gotten the month before from them. I was thrilled that Harry & David had contacted me to see if we could work together this holiday season to promote their Fruit of the Month club. Mostly because it means I get to sample some of their great fruit, but also because I get to offer a 3-month subscription to one of you readers as a holiday gift!
If you’ve read my blog for awhile, you’ll know that I visited Harry & David’s pear orchard last year. I got a chance to run around the farm, check out their facilities, and pack a basket or two on the assembly line (not as easy as it looks). This year, I didn’t have a chance to visit Medford, Oregon where the company is based out of, but that’s OK, because H & D are really all about delivery; delivery to your home, to your office, to your loved ones.
And that’s probably one of my favorite things about Harry & David. Sure you can go to one of their retail stores and pick up a basket for a gift (or yourself) but the majority of their sales goes through their catalog and if you pick up a phone and call them, you’ll get someone who lives here in the US. Harry & David don’t outsource their phone centers. It’s all about the customer service with them.
Well customer service, and giving gifts. I adore the holidays and mostly it’s because it means I have an excuse to give presents to my friends and family. For me, the fact that I’m spreading the joy and love by gift giving makes the seasonal stress worthwhile. Thankfully with Harry & David, it’s a little less stressful too. Their signature Royal Riviera pears that are silky smooth sweet when ripe make an awesome gift for pretty much anyone. As part of their awesome Fruit of the Month, each box shipped per month contains seasonal fruit that’s hand picked and selected for the club, which means that the gift gets stretched out over a period of time! November had AJ and me eating Honeycrisp apples (which live up to their name, crisp when you bite into them with honey sweetness that made my mouth happy) while December had a package of their awesome pears for us to enjoy… In January I know we’ll be getting a box of Cushman’s Honeybell, a super sweet orange like fruit, that is a natural hybrid between tangerine and grapefruit that are only available in the month of January. I can’t wait!
And I’m giving away a 3-month membership to the Harry & David Fruit of the Month Club, a retail value of $89.95 for one lucky reader. The details are below. Good luck and happy holidays!
The 3 month membership to the Harry & David Fruit of the Month Club starts in January, with a box of Cushman’s HoneyBells, February will include a box of Royal Riviera Pears and March will have you eating a box of super sweet ruby red grapefruit.
To enter all you need to do is leave me a comment below with a legitimate email address in the email address form (no need to leave it in the body of the comment) telling me what your favorite fruit is! Mine changes seasonally, but right now it’s probably those pears above. But ask me again in the summertime when I’m gorging myself on super sweet cherries.
To get a bonus entry, follow me on Facebook or tweet about this contest with a “Win a @HarryAndDavid 3 Month membership to their Fruit of the Month Club at @eatthelove’s blog. http://bitly.com/winHDFOMC” and then come back here and leave a comment telling me you followed me on Facebook or tweeted out about the contest. If you don’t leave a comment below about Facebook or the tweet, I won’t know so be sure to come back and leave separate comments about what you did.
The fine print – PLEASE READ
By leaving a comment below to enter, you are agreeing to the Official Rules.
▪ You must be over the age of 18.
▪ This contest is only open to U.S. Citizens. Sorry non-US people!
▪ The contest starts as of today, and will run until Friday, December 21st, 9am PST.
▪ The retail value of the 3 month Fruit of the Month Club is $69.95.
▪ The winner will be chosen by a randomly selected comment. All comments will be numbered and I will use Random.org to pick a random number.
▪ The number of eligible comments below determines the odds of winning.
▪ If there’s a problem with contacting the winner, I reserve the right to award the 3 month membership to someone else randomly chosen. So in other words, make sure you type in your correct email address if you want the membership and respond within a week to me when I contact you or I’ll give the chocolate to someone else.
▪ The fruit will come directly from Harry and David, so if you win, let me know when it arrives or if it doesn’t, and I’ll be sure to hassle the appropriate people.
This giveaway is closed. Thank you for participating!
Special thanks to Harry & David for providing the prize for this holiday giveaway. This is a sponsored post and I did receive compensation to write it. However all the opinions written above are my own and not Harry & David.
Rebecca says
My favorite fruit is….blueberries, I think. I do eat a lot of bananas and apples, too, though.
Rebecca says
I also follow you on Facebook. :o)
jac says
My favorite fruit is definitely grapefruit! So I’ll definitely be looking forward to March if I win.
Katherine says
I love fresh figs. They have such a short season (at least where I am), but I do take advantage of it!
Katya says
Everything. But berries. And rhubarb, though not technically fruit.
Nozomi says
My favorite fruit changes seasonally, just like you!
Lately, I’ve been enjoying Satsuma tangerines and Honey crisp apples. But if I win, I’m definitely lookimg forward to those pears!
Hannah M. says
I’ve yet to meet a fruit I didn’t like-particularly foraged fruits, like mulberries in June, wild blue and blackberries in August, apricots from my special secret tree. But If I had to choose just one, apples would be it. There’s so many types of them! Russets are my favorite-among-favorites, but really, most apples are delicious 🙂
The Suzzzz says
Mine is whatever is fresh and in season, so right now it is citrus all the way. But I do occasionally find myself dreaming about fresh flaming fury peaches.
Heather says
My favourite fruit is pears, but they are so often disappointing (seem to be rock-hard for ages and then go straight to mushy). I bet the Harry & David pears would not disappoint!
Charlene says
My favorite fruit is keitt mangoes.
Erika says
My favorite is rhubarb! Okay, maybe not technically a fruit, but usually used as one. Right now we’re eating a lot of homemade applesauce (or as my son says, “Applebots”) so that might be a close second 🙂
laura says
all time favorite fruit? hmmm it’s tough fruit up here is TERRIBLE 99% of the time so it’s seasonal or not at all–summer cantaloupe–fall apples–winter pears–spring…..? I don’t know about spring the strawberries are nice looking but tasteless
laura says
tweeted! 🙂
elizabeyta says
I would have to agree that mine changes seasonally but I would have to say apples. Or maybe blackberries. Or maybe freshly picked huckleberries. Or maybe freshly picked salmon berries. Or maybe strawberries. See what I mean!
Stephanie says
My favorite fruit is pineapple!
Heather says
My favorite fruit are peaches and pears. I love Harry and David’s fruit the best in quality. Merry Christmas.
Caroline says
Hands down, my favorite fruit is watermelon!
erin says
mangoes! pears come in a close second.
Ohnooto says
Kim L says
Pears! I love them in all shapes and forms. I love Harry & David too – neat giveaway!
Cindy says
I love watermelon–definitely my favorite.
Arlene T. says
My favorite fruits right now are Pears & Persimmons! I love winter fruits.
Arlene T. says
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/cheapskate2009
Sofie T says
Lisa F. says
Like you it changes seasonally, but my favorite fruit all through childhood were the H&D Royal Riviera pears. My parents ordered a box every year; as long as we had those pears I’d even choose them over chocolate! I also love grapefruit (again, thanks to H&D). I am very curious about the Cushman’s Honeybells – never heard of them!
Tery says
I go for whatever is in season, so I’m enjoying lots of citrus fruit right now. But, I do try to eat an apple a day and can do that for a good part of the year.
Yas N. says
I would say that dates are my favorite fruits. I find them to absolutely delicious, either plain or in a dish of some kind. They are naturally sweet with such a depth of rich flavor.
Brandon says
Boom: https://twitter.com/GingerBrandon/status/279969364600561665
Erin R. says
Mine changes, too! My husband and I pound down a watermelon a week in the summer, blow through clementines in the winter and count down the days until strawberries happen. But my very favorite in the world is a perfect, crunchy cameo apple right out of the fridge. They’re hard to come by for some reason which makes them a bit of a luxury, but I love them. Thanks!
Bernadette says
I love figs!!! Was in Sonoma ca. Farmers market this summer and found 3 different kinds!
Thank You for This Chance To Win!
Kim Catapano says
I Love All Fruit but my favorite is probably bananas since I eat those the most.
Kim Catapano says
I tweeted about the giveaway. https://twitter.com/KCatapano/status/279995952381693952
Zan says
Can’t think of a fruit that I have tried and didn’t like but watermelon is always a favorite.
AustinMochi says
Jazz apples are super yummy, and I adore then almost as much as I love Honeycrisps.
mbb says
DM Boland says
Whatever is in season!
edward ang says
My favorite fruit is anything that’s ripe!! So, that could mean bananas, plums, and of course, persimmons!
Beth says
I love lychees
Beth says
I follow you on Facebook
Corisa says
I will always have a love for strawberries !
Jenifer says
Cherries, especially sour pie cherries…brandy them, make pies, chutney. Cherries are a sweet and savory wonder.
Jenifer says
Melissa says
It’s hard to choose a favorite, but it’s probably green grapes!
Melissa says
I tweeted about the contest as well.
“Crossing my fingers to win 3-mo membership to @HarryAndDavid’sFruit of the Month Club through @eatthelove’s blog! http://bitly.com/winHDFOMC“
N. N. says
My favorite fruit would be dates. Delicious on their own yet so versatile. They are truly amazing.
libby says
Apples are my favorite
Crystal S says
All time favorite fruit is fresh raspberries!
Crystal S says
Now following you on Facebook. Thanks!
SusanO says
Pears that are so perfectly ripe that the juice drips down your chin and arm.
Amanda Thompson says
I love cherries and berries!
Cindy Martin says
My fave are strawberries but I love most! 🙂
Cindy Martin says
I follow you on facebook and twitter. Here’s my tweet about giveaway: https://twitter.com/tristansmadre/status/280374060607746049
Chelsea says
I think I’ve gotta give it to raspberries. So sweet/tart/deep with that added intrigue of seeds crushing between your teeth!
Chelsea says
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/blackberryeater
Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe says
I love all fruit, but if I had to pick a favorite, I guess the one I reach for most often is nice crisp, sweet, seedless red grapes. As for pears, I’ve gotten better about them over the years, but the H&D were the only ones I would ever eat as a kid. I always looked forward to that ginormous beautiful basket showing up every year around the holidays. 🙂
Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe says
I follow you on Facebook as Hye Thyme Cafe.
Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe says
I follow you on Twitter as @HyeThymeCafe
Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe says
Tweeted this post at: https://twitter.com/HyeThymeCafe/status/280394702988136448
Lisa says
My favorite fruit is watermelon. I have to have it year round – because even a not so great slice of watermelon is better than no slices of watermelon. 🙂
Lisa says
I follow you on FB. 🙂
Rian N. says
I pretty much like whatever’s in season… so right now I’m liking the honey sweetness of pears. Asian, Bosc, Barnett; hard to limit it farther than that…
Ttrockwood says
My favorite fruit is honeycrisp apples but i love all fruit!
Ttrockwood says
Liked you on fb
Bonnie says
This is a wonderful website! Thank you for all your great ideas! Also love Harry & David and would love to win this terrific give away.
Lisa D. says
I’m really enjoying the sweet, tart & juicy pomegranates in the market now.
Amy Tong says
My favorite fruit kind of change seasonally as well. But really, my all time favorite gotta be Lychee. 🙂
Amy Tong says
Amy Tong says
Liked you on Facebook. 🙂
Renata says
My favorite fruit is summertime fresh figs in season at the farmers market!
Renata says
I tweeted too! Thanks so much!
Lisa D. says
I tweeted about the giveaway: https://twitter.com/LisaSaysLook2/status/280846988155711488
Penny says
White nectarines. And cherries. I eat them as my dinner in the summer.
Ray S says
My favorite fruit is red juicy cherries ripe in the summer!
Ray S says
I like you on Facebook Thanks! Great Giveaway & have a happy holiday!
rachel says
My favorite fruit is Lamu mangoes from the east coast of Kenya…with lilikoi (passion fruit) being a close second!
Georgiana says
Blueberries are my top pick!
Georgiana says
I like you on Facebook & happy holidays!
Angela Van Slyke says
Strawberries, freshly picked are the best, but i love them all.
Camilla @ Culinary Adventures says
Favorite fruit? It depends on my mood, truly. And the season. But I always love a summer peach!
Camilla @ Culinary Adventures says
I follow you on facebook. User name = Camilla M Mann
Camilla @ Culinary Adventures says
I tweeted. https://twitter.com/Culinary_Cam/status/281543831919411201
Lisa D. says
Tweet at: https://twitter.com/LisaSaysLook2/status/281613868080439296
Carla says
I love pomegranates!
Martha Knutson says
Raspberries are my favorite — so many wonderful things to do with them or fresh off the bush and pop right in my mouth. Love raspberries!!!!!!!